Setting up for a fun filled . day of rock climbing.
The easy way up!
The unbelievable vista .this area offers.

As dusk sets in, the perspective changes, butit is just as breath-taking..

The Mount Victoria region offers a variety of bushwalking and rock climbing opportunities, including the historic early roads down the escarpment from Mt York. The Governor gave the name of "Mount York" to this termination of the ridge in honour of his Royal Highness the Duke of York.

Mount York is only 700 feet high from the Vale of Clwyd, but the length of the Pass from the Top to the foot of the mountain is three quarters of a mile for anyone interested in going for a stroll. The valley at the base of Mount York, was named "the Vale of Clwyd" in consequence of the strong resemblance it bore to the vale of that name in North Wales. However these days the Vale of Clwyd is more commonly known as Hartley Vale.

At Mount York there are barbeques, toilets and water near an obelisk commemorating Blaxland, Lawson and Wentworth's historic mountain crossing.