“Spread a blanket under the stars and prepare to take a spectacular musical journey with the Sydney Symphony.”

Sydney Symphony holds their concert around the same time every year. It is advised to plan to be there earlier in the day. Some enthusiasts get there a day or two earlier, but for reasonable space try to be there sometime pre 10am, as by 2pm the place gets pretty full. Remember the food and drinks for a nice afternoon picnic, although food stalls are available with a good range on the menu if the day out becomes a last minute activity. Chairs are provided for a small hiring fee, but a rubber back blanket is just as good. Keep in mind though that the symphony doesn’t start til 8pm so be prepared to entertain yourselves in the meantime.

Us in the rain staking our patch of ground before the Symphony starts.
Rain, wind or shine, if you have a bunch of outgoing friends it’s guaranteed to be a great event. It’s great to just sit back with a group of friends and catch up. As darkness creeps over the domain and the night air settles, a sudden little jingle and then a rattle of the instruments being moved on stage echoes over the crowd to indicate the awakening of the orchestra. Then the whole stage comes to life with brilliant sounds and wonderful lighting effects. As the night continues on and the symphony is coming to an end, the traditional finale features Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture complete with cannons and fireworks. A truly magical night.